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Commons Chamber

Who really runs Britain?

Business Leader’s head of membership, Craig Wilmann, considers where the real power lies in our country

Craig Wilmann

A figure standing on near a shape looking into the distance

The hidden power of peer-to-peer forums for CEOs

Business Leader’s head of membership, Craig Wilmann, discusses the importance of ‘engineered serendipity’

Craig Wilmann

A man doing a presentation

The three fates of workers in the age of AI

AI will have a profound effect on workers, says Index Venture's Hannah Seal. And while some jobs will be replaced, others will be reimagined or reinvented
A man between two animals

Introducing the new Business Leader

Hello and welcome to the new Business Leader. It is a pleasure to be able finally to write those words. What you are looking at today is the result of months of work, planning and research. All of that was aimed at one thing – to build a new agenda-setting, inspirational and aspirational business publication...

Graham Ruddick

Illustration of Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak

Sunak and Starmer will pull no punches on a rollercoaster ride to the general election

Buckle up. The next seven months are likely to be one of the most expensive, most bitterly contested and longest election campaigns in British history. The state of the polls, with Labour consistently enjoying a 20-point lead, means that the prime minister Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives have little to lose. Vituperative personal attacks from...

Steven Swinford

Illustration featuring a facemask, arms with binoculars and a book

Elite sport shows us how to reach the top and stay there

Like any seismic event, the pandemic has left a lasting legacy. When it comes to leadership, this has been particularly profound. Covid-19, and the chaos and upset that came with it, wreaked havoc on the wellbeing, health and sustained performance of many leaders and entrepreneurs across sectors. And it hasn’t been limited to just that...

Catherine Baker

Illustration of a woman, clock, money and female symbol

Backing women-led businesses is the best idea you can have

In the five years I spent raising money for my tech start-up Gapsquare, I pitched to investors roughly 100 times. Venture capitalists, institutional investors, angels — you name it, I tried it. Despite this, I raised zero capital. Not a penny. Yet, we succeeded in commercialising our product and were ultimately acquired by a FTSE...

Zara Nanu

St Pauls' Catherdral, London cityscape, tube

Getting ahead in the battle to attract and retain top talent

As a firm believer in the power of putting people first, I’m excited to write this monthly column for Business Leader, offering you a candid peek into the challenges and opportunities of recruitment strategies and robust talent planning. I didn’t grow up dreaming of workforce solutions, or of being a chief executive. It was one...

Niki Turner-Harding

Finger pointing a block with other hands holding items

How political parties can win over business and triumph in the general election

As we embark on a general election year, I shall, as will many other entrepreneurs, be looking for the political party that has the most enterprise-friendly strategy. For the past 20 years, I have run Enterprise Nation as a growing business support resource for thousands of start-ups and early-stage businesses. It has given me a...

Emma Jones

Illustration of someone falling, Madonna and a phone v2

Welcome to the brave new world of bio-preneurs

It’s 5 AM and I’m aimlessly scrolling through Instagram as I battle my two-hour jet lag for the sixth night in a row since a trip to South Africa. My circadian rhythm is pathetic, and I don’t have enough self-control to charge my phone in another room. I’ve also broken my New Year’s resolution which...

Caspar Lee

Finger pointing and people running up stairs canvas

Five laws that spell success and can put you on top in a crowded marketplace

There are hundreds of thousands of podcasts around the world. Many of them focus on the areas that we talk about – mindset, business, high achievement and finding your sense of purpose. A question I get asked all the time is, why has my High Performance podcast been so successful? I think the answer to...

Jake Humphrey