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Join Business Leader and fast-forward your growth

Join an exclusive community of entrepreneurs, founders and CEOs from medium-sized businesses and access masterclasses, peer groups and one-on-one coaching to fast-track your growth

Friends standing together with arms linked

Are you ready to take your business to the next level but unsure how to do it?

Then join Business Leader and learn from the people who have been there and done it. With masterclasses, peer groups and one-on-one coaching, Business Leader is the perfect way to fast-forward your growth.

We work exclusively with entrepreneurs, founders and CEOs from medium-sized businesses (turnover £3-100m) to help them unlock the barriers standing in their way.  

We understand business and we understand leaders. We know you’re different from most people. We know you’ve built your company with your own sweat and tears. But we also know – and you know this too – that you can’t do it all alone.

That’s why Business Leader will connect you with mentors who have trodden the path and fellow entrepreneurs who can walk it with you. You’ll be placed in your own dedicated peer group with up to 9 other founders/CEOs and an expert leadership coach. Together they will help you fast-forward your ambitions and overcome any obstacles.

The facts show that CEOs who are part of a peer group grow their businesses 2.5x faster than the average. 

So stop carrying the weight of your entire business on your shoulders, and become a true business leader today.

                – A dedicated peer group

                – One-to-one coaching sessions 

                – In-person Masterclasses

                – Annual Summit

                – Under the Bonnet company visits to meet the leaders of world-renowned brands

                – Networked to all Business Leader members nationally

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